

[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_CASE_MISMATCH] Image source корень/images/stories\/gallery\/vospitateli/10.06.2016 cannot be found with a case-sensitive search but a file system entry корень/images/stories/gallery/vospitateli/10.06.2016 exists. While some operating systems (e.g. Windows) are case-insensitive, others (e.g. Linux) are case-sensitive in matching file system entries. On this server, the image source must match the file system entry exactly, including character case.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_CASE_MISMATCH] Image source корень/images/stories\/gallery\/vospitateli/12.04.2016 cannot be found with a case-sensitive search but a file system entry корень/images/stories/gallery/vospitateli/12.04.2016 exists. While some operating systems (e.g. Windows) are case-insensitive, others (e.g. Linux) are case-sensitive in matching file system entries. On this server, the image source must match the file system entry exactly, including character case.

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О персональных данных

В целях исполнения закона Российской Федерации от 27 июля 2006 года № 152-ФЗ "О персональных данных" обрабатываемые персональные данные субъектов персональных данных, размещаются с их письменного согласия.